A Quest for Values

MC900438796-001In the world of coaching we often think about values as individual, personal and subjective principles that guide our way through life. But values don’t just shape individual worlds; they influence our wider world for better or worse driving society forward (or backward) impacting business, government, the economy and education.

Increasingly, as confidence in institutions and leadership is undermined, there are calls for bankers, politicians, media and all kinds or institutions to live more by values in the hope that these will lead to the development of a fairer, more humane, flourishing society.

But at societal level talk of values is fraught with difficulties; often leading to sermonising, berating and casting judgement. Can I – should I impose my values on you? What happens when your values clash with mine? Armed conflict has been started over this territory; best avoid the subject and move on to safer, values neutral ground!

The Club of Rome, never one to shy away from difficult questions, has grasped the nettle and initiated a programme called “Values Quest”. This major project aims to kindle a concrete, focused and broad debate about values. They are working in partnership with the World Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Alliance of Religions and Conservation as well as groups like the Institute of Art and Ideas. The debate should be very interesting.

Curious? Check out the preliminary ‘Values Quest’ document that’s opening up the territory for debate and discussion: www.clubofrome.org

This is a topic that lies very close to our heart at Wise Goose – we’ll be watching this space…


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