Well how incredibly busy we are juggling family, work, hobbies, animals, charity work commitments, school governor demands and whatever rocks your boat!. No is one of the first words we learn as a child yet as we get older we find it increasingly harder to say. Continue reading “Wise Goose School of Coaching – Learning to say NO to GROW..”
Coaching Thriving Unpredictability
The icy cold weather today inspired me to think about thriving and unpredictable climates. As I cleared the ice off my car, I aimed to stay focused, motivated and positive about getting to my meeting on time. I drove off very happily all cosy and warm, when I manoeuvred around the corner I was confronted by a road closure!. Living in the countryside sure has its pros and cons; I had to drive an extra ten mile round trip to my destination. Continue reading “Coaching Thriving Unpredictability”
Redefining Success – Coaching for Responsible Leadership
In the wake of the financial crisis the media spotlight has been increasingly on unethical behaviour in organisations. We’ve seen trust in leaders unravel and a crisis of confidence in institutions of all shapes and sizes. Society is calling for more responsible leadership and demanding that companies and individuals act with integrity.
Continue reading “Redefining Success – Coaching for Responsible Leadership”
Nurturing Creativity Coaching Tips
Stop and think about the last time you thought about “your” creativity! Yes that word conjures up all kinds of responses and emotions. Of all the parts that make us who we are it is our creative self that can be the most neglected. It hangs at the bottom of our to-do list, or we see it as the property of poets and artists. Continue reading “Nurturing Creativity Coaching Tips”
Effective communication starts with active listening – give the gift of attention
Most of us think we are good listeners (especially coaches, mentors and therapists), but a study into what makes good communication shows that professionals allow their clients on average only twenty seconds before intervention. Continue reading “Effective communication starts with active listening – give the gift of attention”