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Employee engagement – seven tips for success
Organisations need people who are engaged and motivated; especially during an economic downturn.
Many studies show that engaged employees are good for organisations. According to the Corporate Leadership Council, employees with lower engagement levels are four times more likely to leave their jobs. Engaged employees are also more productive and contribute more to profits. Studies found that the organizations with highly engaged employees achieved twice the annual net income of organizations with less engagement. Continue reading “Employee engagement – seven tips for success”
Wise Goose Fabulous Launch February 2013
Well what a fabulous launch party, a gathering of motivated individuals toasting success for Wise Goose School of Coaching in the heart of the South West.
Liz Scott, a leading Coach in the South West and former BBC reporter opened the celebration with a toast, wonderful words and wishes for Annie and Helen. Continue reading “Wise Goose Fabulous Launch February 2013”
Wise Goose School of Coaching – Learning to say NO to GROW..
Well how incredibly busy we are juggling family, work, hobbies, animals, charity work commitments, school governor demands and whatever rocks your boat!. No is one of the first words we learn as a child yet as we get older we find it increasingly harder to say. Continue reading “Wise Goose School of Coaching – Learning to say NO to GROW..”