It’s the time of year when we are all burdened with too many tasks, finishing and completing work assignments, planning Christmas holiday, management of cards, food, guests, gifts and staff nights out. The Christmas spirit is all around us just look at some of the lights on the houses in your neighbourhood its screaming at us. Continue reading “Christmas Coaching – Don’t stress the small stuff !”
Coaching to cope with cutbacks
For those working in the public sector right now horizons are changing at lightning speed. We are in transition, lean thinking, SMART working, value for money, quality improvement, downsizing, down shifting, performance reviews and restructuring. The reality is that the flows are changing, the world of delivery is changing, and the seasons are closing in. It is exciting, innovating, frightening and never before has VFM been so critical.
A New ‘person-centred’ coach training
Are you at a career crossroads but don’t know which way to go? Then be a part of our innovative coach training course, over two weekends here in the Devon, and discover the right values based work for you.
Afterwards you may want to progress to the Advanced Diploma in Coaching which we’re busy working on with EMCC (European Mentoring, Coaching Council) to ensure it’s retrospectively accredited, so if you decide setting up your own business coach practices is for you – you’ll be able to start earning a good living once you’ve completed this programme. Continue reading “A New ‘person-centred’ coach training”