I have the quote above from Thomas Berry, scribbled on a post-it on my desk. Some days it brings out a smile and a sense of purpose. Some days it feels like a bad joke. I am a ‘glass half full’ person but as I look at many of the changes currently sweeping through the world my hopefulness for the future can be put to the test.
I’m not alone, the 2017 Edelman TRUST BAROMETER reveals the largest-ever drop in trust across the institutions of government, business, media and NGOs. The credibility of leaders has also collapsed globally to an all-time low, with government leaders seen as least credible.
More than half respondents, including elites believe the system is unfair and offers little hope for the future. The result is toxic populism and nationalism fuelled by lack of trust in the system, fear of immigration, globalization, corruption as well as economic fears.
In a world where the pendulum has swung towards mistrust and fear, narrow self-interest and closed mindedness it’s more important than ever to do what we can to bring out the best in ourselves and others. That’s why I think of coaching as a ‘hopeful activity’.
Indeed, it seems that never has there been a more relevant time, or a greater need for exceptional, courageous and purposeful coaches to make a difference in the world.
From schools to hospital wards and corridors of power, people need clarity, grit, wisdom and heart. They need the ability to see the bigger picture, stay open minded, to know when and how to listen and when and how to challenge effectively. It’s easy, in challenging times, to doubt our ability to make a positive difference and for inertia to set in, or conversely to take risks, close our eyes and ‘JFDI’. This is precisely where the support of a coach can be so powerful.
I’m often asked why I set up Wise Goose School of Coaching. I can answer in different ways. It was a challenge, I love learning and want to bring out the best in people. I care about creating a vibrant future for the world we live in and want to support and work with others who feel the same. Coaching is a tried and tested way to leverage deep change in individuals and organisations; it helps them flourish, lead effectively, live work and act in new, life enhancing, trustworthy ways.
I thought it would be fun (mostly it is!)
This spring my ‘hopeful activity’ is to make the training programe more accessible by taking it to London where we can reach ‘difference makers’ who would benefit from an Advanced Coaching Diploma. It’s a course that balances theory and practice, critical inquiry, deep listening and purposeful action as well as offering the rigour of Association for Coaching accreditation.
If you are interested in joining us get in touch, if you know someone who would be interested, please do let them know.