Wise Goose – Free Coaching Taster Days – Success

2013-03-01 16.15.02What a wonderful FREE Coaching Training Taster Day we had on March 1st, a real opportunity to test the flight path, to engage motivated and focused individuals. The day was well planned to work with  diverse participants from a range of professional back grounds which included CEO Charity, Directors of Business, Medical, therapies and education.

Feedback from participants was really heartening everyone found the day helpful in so many ways.

“The whole day was just brilliant, I seriously wanted to stay on and learn more!. The whole day was so well facilitated and the venue was just great”.

 “I came to learn about coaching today which has created a whole new skill set and understanding of the work coaches actually do. I have also been able to explore my own stressors and make real decisions for a more balanced and happy life, the team have been great” .

 “Just a huge thank you, I learnt lots today, I am so excited about Wise Goose, truly a values led team and so empowering all day”.

“ The ambience was just right, Annie and Helen really have worked hard to make today such a success, I enjoyed every aspect of the day and feel re-energised and focused on making a real change in my professional career and work life balance”.

Moving forward….

  • The next Wise Goose Coaching FREE Taster Day is on May 20th 9.30am to 4pm please note it is nearly fully booked. The following dates are July 15th and September 6th, please call us or email to book a place as its filling up too..
  • We are also hosting  Wellbeing Days on June 10th  and 27th at Eaglehurst in Chagford. The days are focused on Work: Life Balance for those juggling in the fast lane of life – time to reflect and prioritise what’s really important. The cost for both days is only £150 or £80 for one.  A locally produced organic lunch teas and coffees included as well as xcellent company.
  • Helen and Annie will be at the Coaching Connect  Day on March 22nd meeting everyone from across the SW Coaching community, to book a place at this amazing event – see link http://www.coachingconnect.co.uk/events.asp
  • Our 3 day Foundation programme is scheduled to start on  September 20th  please call for Early bird price before the end of August  11th
  • Helen and Annie are available for  1:1 Coaching sessions
  • Helen can advise on Coaching supervision needs and requirements

We are very excited about sharing our values led training and development in 2013; we are committed to building a community and to sustainability.

To find out more visit our website www.wisegoose.co.uk






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